Our School
On July 28, 1947 the County School Trustees of Collin County, Texas passed an order grouping the Josephine ISD, Nevada School District, Lavon School District, Millwood School District, Mt. Piscah School District and McMinn School District for the purpose of establishing and operating a rural high school. The District was named The Community Rural High School. The school opened with 235 students in 12 grades. There were nine graduates in the inaugural class of 1948:
- Billy Caldwell
- Lucille Cook Sedgwick
- Jane Davis Allen
- Aletha Ivy Hargrave
- James Lambert
- George McSpadden
- Peggy Petty Reagan
- Jeannie Smith Richie
- Carrie Juanita Renfro Bell
Site of the orginal Community Rural High SchoolAccording to a written history by Aletha Ivy Hargrave recorded for the District's 50th Anniversary in 1997, these nine seniors were charged with selecting the school song, school colors and a mascot. A committee selected "Anchors Aweigh" as the music for the school song because Ms. Jeannie Smith Richie could play the tune on the piano. The color committee selected Royal Blue and Gold as the school colors. As far as the mascot, Ms. Hargrave recalls that most of the senior boys were on that committee:
"Someone suggested the Indians, because of their strength and endurance, but Bland ISD had come into being this same year and their mascot was the Indian, so not to be outdone, the Committee chose the Brave."
Community Rural High School #718 was changed to Community Independent School District #918 in 1975.
The current campus of Community High School opened in the fall of 2020.
The boys in the first graduating class of 1948 were chared with selecting a mascot for the new Community Rural High School. According to written accounts, the Brave was chosen because "a brave stands for strength and endurance. A brave will face any obstacle with courage. A brave is dauntless and always strives to make a good showing and is always courageous. A brave is always loyal to the tribe."
In 1986, students held a district-wide contest to give the beloved Brave mascot a name. Tammy Diaz, a CHS cheerleader submitted the winning name: Lacone Jo which stands for the first two letters of our four towns: LAvon, COpeville, NEvada and JOsephine.